With the start of Spring, the Town of Shelburne’s Operations team transitions out of winter maintenance efforts and begins to work on annual spring maintenance and cleanup programs. Residents and visitors will see staff working to prepare roads, sidewalks, and parks for the active Summer months. Spring maintenance programs generally begin in April, weather permitting, and have varying completion timelines.
Maintenance programs underway at this time of year are outlined below.
Grass near the sidewalk can become damaged during winter maintenance efforts. Damage to grass along the boulevard will be inspected and staff will repair with topsoil and seed once temperatures permit. Residents are encouraged to water the new seed regularly to promote grass growth.
The Town grades gravel surfaces to remove ruts and improve driving and walking conditions. Magnesium chloride is applied to all gravel roads, trails, and surfaces to control dust and help maintain surface conditions.
Staff conduct cleanup efforts removing litter and waste from parks, trails, and greenspaces. Residents can support cleanup efforts by disposing of waste in the appropriate waste receptacle and taking a moment to clean up litter they encounter. Staff also conduct park facility maintenance, repairs, inspections, and furniture installations to ensure spaces are ready for the busy summer season.
Freeze-thaw cycles have significant impacts on paved surfaces resulting in cracking, heaving and potholes. Potholes repairs are carried out year-round with greater attention and patching efforts in the Spring.
Sidewalks inspections are conducted annually to review and assess sidewalk panel conditions. Panels are marked for cracking, pitting, lifting and tripping hazards. Sidewalk repairs are prioritized based on the severity and extent of the damage with repairs completed late Summer / Fall each year.
Residents that have had a boulevard tree removed over the past few years will see the remaining stump marked for removal and grinded down in the following weeks.
The Town’s street sweeping contractor performs sweeping services to remove sand and debris from roadways and municipal parking lots. Sweeping usually starts in April and is completed by June, weather permitting. There may be some noise and dust while sweeping is underway. Residents are requested to not push sand into piles, minimize residential street parking, and ensure sport equipment and garbage receptacles are not in the roadway. The Operations Team also washes the downtown area and conducts sidewalk sweeping during this time.
Pet owners are responsible for picking up and disposing of their dog waste. This is mandated and enforced by the Town’s Animal Control Bylaw (Bylaw # 15-2018). Animal feces left uncleaned, or bags of feces left behind cause unpleasant experiences for all residents, a risk to human health, the spread of disease and harm to the environment. Please ensure to stoop, scoop, and dispose of bags in the nearest garbage receptacle to keep the community clean, healthy, and safe.
Do you have concerns relating to spring maintenance? Report online by completing the Report a Compliment or Concern form.
For more information, visit our Development and Operations webpage, or review our Frequently Asked Questions for responses to some common questions related to Development and Operations activities.
Please do not hesitate to contact the below if you have any questions or concerns relating to spring maintenance.
Jamie Kaske, Operations, Parks, and Facilities Clerk
519-925-2600 ext 261
Contact Us