Did you know, front and side yard parking is prohibited in the Town of Shelburne?
To streamline the enforcement process, the Town of Shelburne is considering enacting an unauthorized area parking bylaw. The proposed new bylaw would create a bylaw parking infraction for parking on a front or side yard. Officers would have the ability to issue parking infraction notices instead of issuing Zoning Notices, in an effort to reduce property damage, address safety concerns and maintain neighbourhood aesthetics.
We want to hear from you. The Town of Shelburne will be hosting a virtual public engagement session April 25, 2024 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
A copy of the staff report presented to Council on March 11, 2024 can be found on the Town’s website at the following link: https://pub-shelburne.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=4318
A copy of the proposed bylaw will be available for review on Friday April 25, 2024.
To register please email clerk@shelburne.ca
The Town of Shelburne is seeking feedback from members of the community in Shelburne on their experience with neighbors parking on front or side yards.
Submit your feedback through Have your Say Shelburne between April 15 and April 25, 2024.
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