Rabies is a contagious and fatal disease that people can get from infected wildlife, pets and livestock. The rabies virus is spread by entering the body through the mouth, nose, eyes or a break in the skin. Wildlife in the Town of Shelburne can potentially carry rabies.
If you get bitten or scratched
If you have been bitten or scratched by an animal that may have rabies:
- Wash the wound immediately with soap and water and remove any clothing that might be contaminated with saliva
- See a doctor immediately
If your pet gets bitten or scratched
If your pet has been bitten or scratched by an animal that may have rabies:
- Don't handle your pet
- Isolate your pet
- Contact your local Veterinarian
If you come across an animal with rabies
If you find an animal that you suspect may have rabies:
- Contact your local pest control companies
- Don't harm or kill the animal except in self-defense, in defense of other animals or people, or if it might escape
- Confine the animal if you can do so safely
- Keep the animal under observation until Animal Control arrives
- Try to avoid damaging the animal's head as brain tissue is important for an accurate lab diagnosis