Town Council is responsible for governing the Town of Shelburne. This includes, setting annual budgets and managing the Town finances, planning for future projects and development, allocating resources and establishing and overseeing community committees.
The Town of Shelburne is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the same access to municipal goods and services as any other person, in the same location and in as similar manner as reasonably possible. The Town will ensure that it has a process for receiving and responding to feedback that is accessible to persons with disabilities. Review the Town of Shelburne Integrated Accessibility Standards.
Joint Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.
Annual Status Report as of December 31, 2022.
All documents are available in an accessible format upon request.
To file a complaint regarding accessible customer service complete the Accessible Customer Service Complaint Form.
To request information be provided in alternative format complete the Request for Information in Alternative Format Form.
Click the blue Livestreaming box below
Visit the following links to learn more about Council meetings, vision and strategic plan.
Council meetings |
Council meetings take place regularly throughout the year in the Council Chambers. All regular council meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public. View our agendas and minutes to stay informed. |
2025 Council meeting dates | ||||||||
January 13 & 27, February 10 & 24, March 10 & 24, April 14 & 28, May 12 (virtual) & 26, June 2 (virtual) & 23, July 14 & 28, August 25, September 8 (virtual) & 22, October 6 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8. Meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. |
2024 Council meeting dates | ||||||||
January 8 & 29, February 12 & 26, March 11 & 25, April 8 & 22, May 13 & 27, June 3 & 24 (virtual), July 8 & 22, August 26, September 9 (virtual) & 23, October 7 & 28, November 4 & 25, December 9. Meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. |
Council Presentation Request | ||||||||
If you would like to present information and educational material at a Town Council meeting, you will need to submit a presentation request. We must receive all requests 14 days in advance of the next meeting. You will have 15 minutes to make your presentation to council. Please note presentation/delegation/deputation requests cannot be accommodated when a Special Meeting has been called as the Regular Council agenda format does not apply to a Special Meeting of Council. |
Council Correspondence | ||||||||
Please note that written and email correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council become public documents once received by the Town. All correspondence addressed to the Mayor and/or Council is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Therefore, it becomes public information once received by the Town and may be published in a Council meeting agenda. All letters addressed to the Mayor and Council are circulated to them for review. The Town of Shelburne will not accept any anonymous communications to Council or staff. All correspondence must provide contact information for follow-up. |
Council Procedural By-law | ||||||||
Every municipality in the province of Ontario must have a procedural by-law. The procedural by-law governs the way that Council and board/committee meetings run. The by-law includes rules for how municipal meetings are called, who is involved, where they happen, and how they proceed. View the Town of Shelburne Council Procedural By-law |
Council Priorities 2022-2026 | ||||||||
The Town of Shelburne Council has again placed significant importance on developing priorities to guide their term of office of 2022-2026. Council contributes toward the achievement of Shelburne's Vision, Mission and Values by placing importance on these priorities. Councils priorities builds on the 2019-2022 Council’s Strategic Priorities. View the 2022-2026 Council Priorities. Vision, Mission and ValuesThe role of Vision, Mission and Values are:
PillarsPillars are a reflection of what Council wants the Town of Shelburne to be known for, reflect and represent are, and the acronym is “SEL”: Three Pillars:
Council Strategic Priorities 2019-2022 |
The 2018-2022 Town of Shelburne Council had placed significant importance on developing strategic priorities to guide their term of office. Council’s Strategic Priorities are a blueprint for how Council will make thoughtful decisions about the Town’s future to ensure its success. In 2021 using the blueprint 'Council Strategic Priorities' the town applied for the grant Municipal Modernization Intake 2. The final report the Town of Shelburne Service Delivery Review was completed and included on the November 22, 2021 town council meeting. |
Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest |
The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires Members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration. A pecuniary interest in a matter is one where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial loss or gain of the Member or related persons as per the Act. The onus to declare a pecuniary interest rests with the member and time for this process is allocated on every meeting agenda. Changes to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act require municipalities to maintain a registry of all declarations made under this Act. The registry must include the original written declaration provided by the member of Council and must be available to the public. A table of the registry is available below. This table is updated following Council meetings.
Shelburne Town Council is elected to act in the best interest of our community. The role of Council is to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the Municipality. Council is responsible for developing and evaluating policies and programs for the Municipality, evaluating the services which the Municipality provides and maintaining the financial integrity of the Town.
Council is comprised of a Mayor, Deputy Mayor and 5 Councillors, their term of office is 4 years. Attend a Council meeting or review past meeting agendas and minutes to stay informed.
In addition to their roles on Shelburne Council, your Mayor and Deputy Mayor represent the Town at the County level. They both sit as Dufferin County Council members.
Council members may also be appointed to local boards and advisory committees. Council Members also form the Board of Directors for the Fiddleville (Shelburne) Non-Profit Housing Corporation.
Use the links on this page for more ways to connect with the Mayor and individual Members of Council.
Social media accounts and personal websites of Members of Council are used to express personal views and are not necessarily those of the town.
Members of Town Council follow a Code of Conduct that outlines appropriate behaviour for the position. Councillors must keep certain information confidential, act impartially and not use their position for personal gain or influence.
To report a concern regarding council please contact the Integrity Commissioner.
Guy Giorno
Integrity Commissioner
416 865 5164
Toll-free 877 609 5685
Update: January 21, 2025
On January 20, 2025, Mayor Wade Mills and Town representatives presented a compelling case for a truck bypass route to Assistant Deputy Minister of Transportation Eric Doidge at the annual ROMA conference in Toronto. This long-standing issue, which has impacted Shelburne since 2003, was highlighted through a presentation emphasizing the need for safer, quieter, and more vibrant community spaces. Key points included reducing congestion, enhancing air quality, and supporting Shelburne's growth plans.
Read the full media release and the ROMA, MTO delegation Request to discover the proposed solutions and the next steps in this crucial project by clicking the links below
Media Release - January 21, 2025
ROMA, MTO Delegation Request: Truck Bypass, Truck Route - January 2025
January 30, 2019
For many years, The Town of Shelburne has asked the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) for a truck by-pass for Provincial Highway 10 and 89. The Town of Shelburne will be attending the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference in January 2019. A delegation from Shelburne will be meeting with the Minister of Transportation (MTO) on January 28, 2019, to share and express concerns and ideas about the need for a truck by-pass.
To help us share your opinions with MTO about heavy truck traffic in our downtown and community The Town of Shelburne asked residents to about their experiences with heavy truck traffic in the Town of Shelburne.
The survey 'What do you think about the Heavy Truck Traffic in Town?' was completed January 2019, on the Town's engagement site Have Your Say Shelburne
Media Release - January 30, 2019
Town of Shelburne meets with Minister, MTO regarding Truck By-pass
ROMA 2025 Conference - MTO Delegation Request
MTO Request regarding Truck By-pass / Truck Route - Presentation
MTO Delegation - Bypass Truck Route Videos - Presentation Video
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