We strive to protect and enhance our community and take pride in our homes, properties and neighbourhoods. Municipal By-laws help set standards that ensure property and community values are protected.
We are committed to protecting the general public in order to ensure Shelburne remains a pleasant community to live in and visit. We do this through the establishment and enforcement of a variety of municipal by-laws.
In many instances, issues that come up can be resolved before there’s a need to file a complaint. Here are a few tips to help you build positive relations with your neighbours.
It is much nicer to live in a neighbourhood where people work at being good neighbours versus living in a neighbourhood where everyone just does their own thing without care for what effect it has on others.
Please provide the following information:
We will not investigate anonymous complaints, unless the alleged complaint relates to an immediate health and safety issue.
Bylaw Enforcement Officers respond to citizen complaints during their hours of operation.
You must submit all by-law complaints in writing. We will not accept verbal or phone complaints. Your information will be kept confidential under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. However, if we press charges, your name may be required during court proceedings.
Any noise resulting from fighting, screaming, shouting, swearing or someone using insulting or obscene language or other disorderly conduct should be reported to the OPP at either:
Non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122; or,
For emergencies, call 911
If noise is coming from an industrial / commercial source or renewable energy project, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
The Town strives to ensure the identity of a complainant remains confidential. Most complaints are resolved through voluntary compliance by way of education and public awareness, however, should the matter proceed by way of prosecution, the Town cannot protect the identity of a complainant. Such information could be released through the following:
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm
519-925-2600 Ext 229 or Ext 255
Contact Us