Public Works is responsible for winter maintenance on the Town's streets, sidewalks, walkways and parking lots. Winter operations includes snowplowing, sanding and salting, and snow removal around the clock. Operations are carried out by municipally-owned and operated equipment and contractors. It is the objective of the Public Works Department to conduct its operational activities in an efficient and effective way, so as to provide safe driving conditions on all roads owned and maintained by the Town.
The Town of Shelburne follows the Ontario minimum maintenance road standards. Our Public Works team makes every effort to clear roads and sidewalks as quickly and effectively as possible.
Maintenance Standards |
Winter road maintenance is completed in accordance with the Ontario Minimum Maintenance Standards for Ontario Highways to ensure Town streets and sidewalks remain safe and passable for motorists and pedestrians. Under the Minimum Maintenance Standards (Reg. 366/18), the Town has anywhere between 12 and 24 hours to clear roads that are classified under various categories, for example, primary roads are required to be plowed within a 12-hour period once there is 6 cm or more snow. |
Plow Routes |
We have set plow routes that are laid out to address streets in an efficient manner. All Public Work’s vehicles and equipment have GPS to ensure all areas are attended and not missed. Winter control maintenance is performed under a priority system. Primary roads such as Greenwood Street, Fiddle Park Lane, Simon Street and Victoria Street will be cleared first, followed by local residential streets, crescents and courts. When plowing operations begin, operators are following routes that have been designed to minimize duplication and maximize efficiency. The length of time to complete a route varies however, it may take approximately 6 to 8 hours to complete. |
Snow Clearing |
We do our best to clear snow and ice quickly from the roadways. But winter control can be a challenging task and there are a number of factors that can impact snow clearing operations, including:
The Town contracts a company to remove snow banks once they start blocking the view of the road. Snow removal is not based on the height of the snowbank but if the snow bank is blocking the view of the intersection, called sight lines. Downtown business areas have priority for removing snowbanks and then crews will move onto the residential neighbourhoods. Review our Snow Removal Frequently Asked Questions. |
Assistance |
The Town does not offer snow clearing assistance on private property.
Catchbasins |
By clearing snow away from storm sewer catch basins near your property, you may help prevent street flooding and icy road conditions. |
Children |
Keep children informed about winter road safety.
Remind children not to climb, play, dig forts or tunnels near roads or in snow banks as cars and snowplows can come by at any moment. |
Depositing Snow |
Pile all snow from your driveway and sidewalks on your property, not on the road. Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act prohibits the depositing of snow and ice on a roadway without written permission from the Ministry or other road authority. Failure to comply with the Highway Traffic Act may result in a fine being issued to the property owner or contractor. |
Driveways |
In order to minimize snow from being pushed back into driveways, do not park on roadways during the winter months. Plows need to move around parked vehicles, which create snow build-up. Ultimately when the vehicles are moved and further plowing is done, snow build-up is pushed back into driveways.
Driving |
Give snow plows plenty of room and remember they may need to back up.
Fire Hydrants |
Clear snow away from fire hydrants so they are visible and accessible to emergency services personnel at all times.
Waste Collection |
Heavy snow accumulation, icy roads and/or poor visibility during winter maintenance activities can make it difficult for snow plow operations to avoid waste and recycling collection items placed alongside the roadway or sidewalk. To help make collection as easy and efficient as possible during the winter months, residents are reminded of the following: Container Placement on DrivewayPlace your collectible materials on the right side of the driveway approximately 1.5 metres (5 feet) from the curbside. The "right" side is the right side of your driveway when you stand at the curb facing the road. Avoid placing your waste and recycling containers on roadways, boulevards and sidewalks, as they will:
Also avoid placing your waste and recycling containers behind or on top of snowbanks to eliminate the potential risk of a dangerous slip or fall onto the pavement for you or the waste collectors. Early Morning Container PlacementWaste collection items are best put out early in the morning otherwise waste containers could get buried during a snowfall and as a result may not be collected. Retrieve your waste containers soon after collection. Empty containers are vulnerable to winds and ongoing snow plow operations creating a hazard if knocked into the sidewalk or roadway. Write your address on your containers so if found, they can be easily returned to you. Download your custom collection schedule and receive access to updates and notifications by downloading the County of Dufferin Waste app. |
Mailboxes |
Canada Post is responsible for clearing the snow and ice around Community Mailboxes. If you can’t retrieve your mail from the community mailbox due to snow buildup, please contact Canada Post’s Customer Service Line at 1-866-607-6301 or submit an Online Service Ticket for Snow Clearance. More information can be found on their Community Mailboxes Webpage. Canada Post Shelburne Location (102-143 Main Street West): 519-925-3615. Please assist snow plow operators by making sure your rural mailbox is in a good state of repair and not an obstruction. Review Canada Post guidelines for proper placement and maintenance of rural mailboxes that meet specifications and road safety criteria before installation. |
Parking |
Do not park on roadways during the winter months. Parked vehicles can prevent snow removal crews from clearing the roads in a timely and efficient manner.
Sidewalks |
The Town of Shelburne requires that owners of every commercial establishment clear the snow from the sidewalk adjacent to their property within four hours after every snow fall. The snow is to be pushed to the edge of the sidewalk where it will eventually be removed by the Town when it reaches a maximum height and/or width.
As a courtesy, the Town will have a sidewalk plow make a pass on all sidewalks in areas to assist these property owners with snow removal. Please do no park over sidewalks, it is a violation, and you may receive a ticket. The Towns service level for winter maintenance on sidewalks is to maintain them to a snow packed condition. Snow packed is defined as a hard-packed snow surface. Sidewalk plows/blowers are not capable of clearing snow and ice from sidewalks to the extent that bare concrete is exposed in all conditions. The amount of scraping and sand/salt required to achieve a bare concrete service level would be damaging to the pavement, equipment, and the environment. Winter weather can cause safety issues for residents. Town Staff make every effort to clear sidewalks as quickly and effectively as possible. Please help protect yourself by allowing for extra time and caution when walking in any winter conditions Snow and ice often bonds to the concrete during extreme temperatures, and ice can also form on snow packed sidewalks during thaw/freeze cycles. Other factors, such as overgrown turf on the edge of the sidewalk or a buildup of residual ice and snow under wheel tracks, can cause the edge of the plow or blower to ride above the surface of the sidewalk. All affected areas are treated with sand for traction. |
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